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Question by moxie1352: Geneology?
I am trying to figure out more about my family history. Some family names are Margeson, McLean, Powers and Avery. What are some good sites or do you know anything about these names or where they came from?

Best answer:

Answer by grannytoad
You probably won’t have much luck with a scattershot of surnames. What works is to sit down with your oldest family members and ask what they recall – who their parents were and grandparents, and on back. You will need full names, and dates and places of births marriages and deaths. Enter all you’ve learned onto family tree software for organization, so you know what you don’t know. Then you’ll be ready to begin research.

With any luck some may be found on 1880 census if you’re US, you’d find them at A couple other places to look for them might be the free trees at (just sign in),,, Your library or LDS family history center may allow you access to census images — you’ll need that!

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